Storytelling, medicine, theatre, philosophy, film, teaching, travel, learning and others

Experts in various fields collect their knowledge, their experience and their perspective. They draft concepts and models and share them with the public.


Foundation Eckenroth Stiftung offers a forum to the arts.

​Make a mark. Add culture, art and education to economy and politics in an adequate way. 

The word mark nr. 30 2020 222 971 expresses, once a year eckenroth.ART, Eckenroth Stiftung für Medienkultur invites international experts in the fields of storytelling, medicine, theatre, philosophy, film, teaching, travel, learning and others, to create a climate of understanding and willingness for change in a modern society and involve young people.


Davos needs davos! And davos of arts® wants a better human being.

For what means better? „A Mensch“, a human being is a person with integrity.

Eckenroth, davos of arts® as a counterpart and supplement to the World Economic Summit, since people are more than just wage earners and consumers. The World ARTS Summit is a response to what is already there. So that the art of living, which is reflected in art, finds its adequate space.e

A climate for something new.


What makes us different does not have to split us.

What unites us can differ.


New alliances for new paths.

In accordance with the Eckenroth Foundation‘s charter – According to the preamble of the Eckenroth foundation – promoting culture in the media with the aim of explicitly stimulating and   promoting artistic endeavors in the fields of theatre, film and television that are suitable for contributing to overcoming the disparity in the scientific-technological and mental –spiritual development of mankind

The repertoire of the arts has to be expanded and the various fields have to be brought  together.


hamlet Eckenroth launches davos of arts® 

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